Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chicken or the Egg?

I'm in computer class. 

In my journalism class today we were talking about movies. The whole "movie theaters are evil" argument came up, which  most of the class shot down immediately. Then just the general, what we should and shouldn't watch argument came up. Most of the class made pretty good, solid, christian points. And I agreed with most of them. I thought I'd just, share my opinion.

The media has a bad wrap. We blame it constantly for societies problems. But what came first? Who influenced who first? I believe that it started with the rebellious people who wanted to... challenge "the man." The people who wanted to be different and to be the spotlight of society. We went from being a very conservative nation when it came to media. But then everyone wanted to do their own thing, people want to break down berriers and not conform to molds. Sometimes it was good, but in the case of movies/television/media, it isn't so good. People like the gritty, dirty stuff that no one wants to mention, but everyone wants to watch. 

To be continued...

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