It is freezing outside. And I'm not talking, "Oh man I gotta wear a blazer because it's nippy" freezing. I'm talking, if you let your face make direct contact with the snow and wind it'll freeze off freezing. According to the weather channel, its 2 degrees, but if feels like -5.
I woke up this morning with a prayer on my tongue, hoping that the Administration would show us a bit of kindness by shutting down. Just for a day. That's all I asked for. ONE DAY of not having to brave the frigid temperatures to go to class. But guess what? I called the weather hotline and I got the cold, calculating, heartless voice of some woman telling me there was no schedule change and to dress warmly and drive safetly. I'm not sure how many words there are for angry, so lets just say I was pretty ticked off.
I've only seen the top administration of this school when they come to BIG events in the Howard or church. When they come to grace us with their prescence and put together some well thought out words that are supposed to inspire us, but instead bore us to tears. I've never passed them on the sidewalk, or seen them in the cafe. I don't know where their offices are, nor do I care to know. The thing I know of them is that they charge me an arm and a leg to go to school here, and then some to participate in ANY and ALL activities. Well now I know something else. They don't give a crap about the welfare of their students. They worry more about the cost of shutting down for ONE day, then the danger their own employees and students have to go through to get to campus. Even for those who live ON campus its dangerous because the sidewalks are jagged, and not well shoveled at all.
So yeah, I'm mad. It makes no sense to me why they won't give us a snow day. It's almost in the negatives out there, its been snowing for days. But who cares, right? Because all they have to do is sit in the snuggly offices all day doing whatEVER they do whereEVER they are. We won't go bankrupt if we cancel for a day. Even though my righteous anger wont' change their minds, at least I got that off my chest.