Today in Journalism class we talked about blogging. I didn't know blogging was that big a deal, seriously. People take it really seriously. Maybe I'll get a job from my amazing blogging skills, yeah, I'm talking to you. Thanks...
Anyway, this is going to be a good week. You know how you just get those feelings when a day starts? Nothing happens, or nothing has happened, but somehow you just smile to yourself and think, "I'm really happy today. Today is going to be a good day." Well, I thought that about my week. Usually, when I have a really good Sunday and Monday, I know that I'm going to have a good week. And you know? I think it's my general attitude. I mean, when you think, gross, ah, today sucks, well, thats just how your going to think. But if you think, you know what, no matter what I'm going to have a good day? You have a good day! It works, seriously, it's amazing. Mind over matter. I think therefore I am.
My computer teacher is talking about the ebola virus, which apparently liquifies your insides and makes you bleed out from every crevice of your body, and its black blood with yellow dots. At least that's what I got from it. He's somehow relating this to computer viruses.
You know, the internet is a very strange and dangerous thing. But I think if you're just smart and listen to computer professionals, you'll be ok. Oh my goodness, the first computer virus was created for a Mac. I had no idea.
Oh, before I go, I have a new song that I... LOVE. It describes love in the best way I have ever, ever heard. And not the idea of love according to TV shows and society. Love that God wants. Please, Please listen to this song!
Love is not a place
To come and go as we pleae
It's a house we enter in,
and then commit,
to never leave.
So lock the door behind you,
throw away the key,
work it out together,
let it bring us,
to our knees.
Love is a shelter,
in a raging storm.
Love is peace,
in the middle of a war.
And if we try to leave,
may God send Angels to guard the door,
No love is not a fight,
but it's something worth fighting for.
To some love is a word,
that they can fall into,
but when they're falling out,
Keep their word is hard to do.
Love is a shelter,
in a raging storm.
Love is peace,
in the middle of a war.
And if we try to leave,
may God send Angels to guard the door,
No, love is not a fight,
but it's something worth fighting for.
Love will come to save us,
If we'll only call.
He will ask nothing from us,
but demand we give our all. . .
No, love is not a fight...
but it's something worth fighting for.