Thursday, October 30, 2008

As the World Turns...

Ah yes, it's Thursday. Welcome Thursday.

I'm voting, are YOU voting? I hope so. I hope that people become actively involved in our political process. At least to say they were, if for no other reason. :)

This week has been.... insane. I mean, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying not to be depressed, and then being ridiculously happy all in the same day. I had my work evaluation this week, and it was very... uplifting. Constructive criticism is good for the soul, dont ya know?

I need to wash my hair tomorrow. The weekend is almost here... I can almost taste it.

Question: Do you think this country will ever see past color? Or is that a stumbling block that many people can never jump over?

Monday, October 27, 2008

One Life to Live..

It's fall here, which is probably .. no not probably, it IS the beautiful season. So, I took a bunch of pictures on Sabbath and i'd like to share them with you! Gorgeous pictures. :)

I have a question for all you thinking people out there. Why do people make up excuses about why they shouldn't believe in God, and only ask questions to disrupt, and not actually learn anything? They make no effort to understand the... magnitude that is God, yet when they have the chance to stir up doubts, they raise silly questions like, "Well didn't Jesus drink?" Is faith out of the question, and now it is purely logic that judges people's belief systems?

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Bold and the Beautiful...

It is Friday. Which means many things. It means that I'm walking through the light at the end of this banana nut week. It means my special wonderful day of rest, SABBATH, is here, and I don't have to do ANYTHING except enjoy God's gift. It also means I have Philosophy.

Let me just say, I hate Philosophy class. It's painful. I makes me brain do this weird thing called thinking, which gives me the shakes. lol. No really though, Philosophy is pretty lame. But today I read something interesting in this book called Faith, Film and Philosophy, which takes movies with philosophical themes and discusses them. The question was raised in this book about personal identity. How do you become you? Who are you, what makes you you? Your memories, your thoughts? Are you no longer you when these things cease to exist, or you can't remember what you did yesterday? All that crazy jazz and mumbo jumbo. Anyway, yeah, real exciting stuff.

It is Friday. Which still means I have Philosophy class, but also means that after 12:20, I am napping, and no test on Earth, no required reading can stop me! Ya know, God is a pretty smart being, because somehow He knew that at the end of 6 days, we'd be so tired we couldn't remember our names, and we'd need a day to stop thinking. I hope heaven is like Sabbath, everyday!!

Today is picture day! SMILE! :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

General Hospital...

It's Thursday. In general, I am egg-sauce-Ted. In other news, I am at work. And right now, I don't have much to do. It is cold here. Where? Noneya.

I want to write/publish a book before I graduate from college. So, in order to get some idea's and feedback, I'm going to post pieces of my book here, for you all to read and enjoy (and critique!)

Heres the first part:

“We are going to be late, again!” I mumbled the last part under my breath. He wouldn’t listen anyway, and I wasn’t about to waste my lung power on summoning a man who didn’t believe in time, or the quality of time.
“Don’t get yourself in a knot sweetie, I’ll be down in ten!” he shouted back from the top of the stairs. The program had started twenty minutes ago, in his honor, and he was going to be a half an hour late. Why they would honor a scientist, a species with no time constraints, was beyond me. The fact that he’d spent nearly ten years simply hypothesizing on his new development was hint enough that he wasn’t going to show up early, or on time for this banquet.
“Dodge Jonathan Mayer, will you get yourself down here this instant! We are already 20 minutes late, and I am not going to be another ten!” As his wife, it was time for me to put my foot down; and it worked. He came scurrying down the stairs, the tail of his tuxedo shirt flailing out behind him. I quickly tucked it in, fixed his tie, spit shined his hair and eyebrows and made a beeline for the door.
“Someday my leisure attitude for time is going to come in handy,” he quipped as we climbed into our car.
“Yes it will. At your funeral where you’ll be escorted to and from it.” He laughed at my joke and started the car. Now I wish I hadn’t made that joke. It wasn’t really even that funny.

TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT WHY THE JOKE WASN'T FUNNY!! lol... Any comments, please feel free!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All My Children...

I hope I can think of enough soap opera titles for all the blogs I'll post..
same day, different stuff. This blogging stuff is pretty exciting..ish.

Guess what I did! I took pictures of my most prized posessions, and I want to share them with you! (Told you my life was boring).

This is my message bible that I got from Australia. I got some of my Aussie Homie's to write lovely things in it. It makes me... :)

This is part of my shot glass collection. They love me. I love them. That's just how it is.

His name is FRIDGE and he is love. He shows love. There is his heart. :)

And this is Ipod. Pod for short. Beautiful for long. MINE forever. MWAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!

Days of Our Lives...

Ok, let me start by saying this: Hollie made me do it.

Hi guys!

My life is boring. I'm in college, which, if you watch TV, means my life should be full of drama, boys, drama, boy, and drama. HOWEVER, that is not the case. My life is full of work, school, work, and the occasional "Hey friend how are you!" It's sad, really.

Can you put pictures on this thing? ... mmmm....

I'll find more to say tomorrow, I'm sure. Good night!